Q & A with Principal Dutcher
Principal Dutcher answers questions about PHS.
Principal Dutcher answers questions about PHS.
Chris grew up in Virginia Beach, VA, and has lived in Pendleton for eight years. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Georgia Institute of Technology and his master’s in mathematics education from Oregon State University. Chris previously taught math, robotics and science in Pilot Rock and Hermiston and coached youth basketball and baseball for the past two years. Chris said he likes to run (really far), read all kinds of books and experience all the fun stuff his son likes to get into. He is excited to finally teach kids and work with families in the same town where he lives!
Welcome, Chris!
The Pendleton School District is happy to feature new PSD teachers.
The Pendleton School District would like all parents of students who will be riding the bus this school year to complete a registration form.
Please help us celebrate and pay tribute to our retirees from the Pendleton School District.
Please help us celebrate and pay tribute to our retirees from the Pendleton School District.
Five Pendleton High School seniors were named to the 2021 Dance Drill Coaches Association (DDCA) All State Team earlier this month.
Please help us celebrate and pay tribute to our retirees from the Pendleton School District.
Viviana Martinez, a freshman at Pendleton High School, has won second place in an Oregon-wide Young Employee Safety Media Contest for her graphic design illustrating the importance of workplace safety.
Parents of secondary students will be receiving a message with information regarding COVID vaccinations for students 12 years and older.
Pendleton School District
107 NW 10th Street, Pendleton, OR 97801
Phone: 541.276.6711 Fax: 541.278.3208
The Pendleton School District assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability or income as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related authorities, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any Pendleton School District sponsored program or activity.
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